Friday, June 12, 2009

.Busy as a Bee.

I feel pretty bad about not updating my own blog like I should. Just been really busy with family,wedding stuff,helping my fiance look for houses,people visiting, and just busy. Im hoping I will be less busy soon. Im really excited IMATS is almost here! YAY! ^.^

Monday, May 11, 2009

.Double Check for Bargins...scan scan scan!.

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day! As those who have been reading and keep up with my blog you may have noticed that I won't post on weekends ^.^ I have been really busy with the Holiday and my moms birthday. Anyways over the weekend shopping I was thinking of some quick tips to help you save. When you are shopping for something imparticular always look at the clearance first. You may find what you are looking for there, it could be marked down for many reason such as a brands new collection just came out or they have updated a product, and also stores could be overstocked and need to make room. For example this weekend at Kohl's I was looking in the clearance home area. They had really cute Frog mitt washcloths for kids( or your avid frog collector) the price was originally $7.99, it was on clearance for $3.00. However on the very next isle they were selling same brand almost identical frog mitt washcloths that had been updated with new stitching with froggy flippers that was selling for $7.99. It pays to look around. Also use the scanner....scan scan scan! I can only tell you how many times at stores from Target to Kohl's(to well any other store with a price check scanner) that the sales tag/clearance tag on the product has been wrong! Either things are marked too high due to the price not being changed, but most often they wont update the sale/clearance tag. This weekend so many thing I bought had tags that were just that, not updated but scanned a cheaper price. Flip-flops originally $20.00 sales tag $13.99, it rang up for $1.80!!!!Simply Vera Wang clutch originally $60.00 sales tag $17.98,scan price $5.25! Simply Vera Purse Originally $90.00, no sales tag however it was in clearance area because it was from last season. Price check showed it was on sale for $15.00!
So go out there get sales, check the clearance, and scan those items! Also make sure the price shown on the item either on display or in the sales ad is the price that rings up. If not ask for a price change, most places will be happy to change it. Oh and double check a stores policy regarding price matching at other stores, they will meet or beat the price, and people don't forget about the almighty rain check, don't have what you want and its on sale see if you can get one! ^.^

Friday, May 8, 2009

.Peanut Butter Spicy Goodness rolled into one!.

Have been a peanut butter fiend lately and have been making these like crazy! yum ^.^!
Peanut Butter Spice Balls
4 tablespoons peanut butter or butter-age of choice
2 tablespoons Honey
pumpkin pie spice-add as much as you want!
2 cups Oats
1 tablespoon skim milk
Mix together peanut butter/butter of choice with honey then add your pumpkin pie spice milk and oats...mix together. Roll into balls and pop them in the fridge.
Have a awesome weekend...whoever may read this ^.^

Thursday, May 7, 2009

.Quick brew Tazo Tea....COLD!.

Today I'm enjoying my yummy tazo tea as always, and thinking of my post today I thought I would let you in on this quick tip from a former Barista. Tazo tea bags will brew in cold need to boil your water to make your iced tea, just take cold water place you tea bag in let sit and you have your favorite Tazo tea cold. So next time your at the local coffee shop and they are not serving the tazo tea you want iced just ask for a tea bag and some ice water and make you own! No barista required! My top 3 picks for some yummy iced tazo on the go are Passion, Wild Sweet Orange, and Zen!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Brown Sugar Why do you feel so good scrub

Treat your face to a true indulgence with this facial scrub! Why spend money on costly exfoliants when mother nature has your back on this one. Brown Sugar will help to polish away toxins, dirt, and dead skin cells away from your skin.

Brown Sugar Why do you feel so good scrub
1 Cup Brown sugar (dark or light)
1/2 Cup Canola Oil
Optional:2 tablespoons Pure Honey
What you will need: Mixing bowl, measuring cups, and air tight container for your finish product.
Measure out your 1 cup brown sugar and pack it in to your measuring cup. Place into your mixing bowl, fluff your brown sugar up using your fingers or a fork to make sure there aren't clumps. Pour your 1/2 cup canola oil into your brown sugar. Don't worry if the oil doesn't saturate all the brown sugar, it will trust me. If you want to add honey to this scrub this is where you put the 2 tablespoons in. Now mix all everything together until you end up with a glistening sweet smelling scrub. Last but not least place your finished product in your air tight container. I like to store my scrub in the fridge to keep it fresh.
To use: Wet your face with warm water if you wish,or apply dry. (Sometime I like a bit of slip to my skin personally). Take small amounts of your scrub and rub it into your face, being careful not to get any in your eyes. You can also exfoliate your mouth with this scrub. Let the scrub rest for 30 seconds, then polish off your scrub with a warm wash cloth and let your face dry some then put on your favorite moisturizers.

.The First!.

I have been really meaning to start this blog for months now, and now it's finally here!!! The world is such a indulgent place, with epicurities that tease us daily. From culinary goodness,fashion,sexy cars, makeup, and so much more. In my blog I will write about my passions. A melting pot of interest's swirled together in my crazy little world.